Fiction authors. We all have our favorites. Here are some of mine, along with their websites. Please, check them out and get their stuff. Some of these people are New York Times Bestselling Authors. Some of them have not, yet, made it onto that presitigious list. Othes are newly published or, as of yet, still relatively unknown.
Investigate their writings. My hope is that you will enjoy these people and their works as much as I.
(This list is not in any particular order.)
Rebecca Greenfield
Although holding a "tent-maker" profession by day, she has an unrelenting fire in her bones to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to others through the power of written art. It is from her own personal questions and wilderness droughts, that RAW and The Prayer Crossing emerged—helping her gain solid footing on previously rocky terrain.
Paul Nordman
In Paul's very insightful books, you will find short, engaging teaching-reflections that explore Biblical truths in relatable ways by bringing out facinating, often-overlooked aspects of the lives of people in Scripture.
Robert Liparulo
From serial killers to high-tech weaponry, designer viruses to immortal vigilantes... enter here to discover Robert Liparulo's heart-pounding stories for adults.
Ted Dekker
New York Times best-selling author best known for mystery, thriller, and fantasy novels including Thr3e, Obsessed, the Books of History Chronicles, and very recently 30 A.D. and 33 A.D.
Tosca Lee
NY Times bestselling author of The Legend of Sheba, Iscariot, Havah, and the Books of Mortals series with Ted Dekker, she has recently released two more acclaimed novels, The Progeny, and Firstborn. She writes historical spiritual fiction crafted from extensive research.
Steven James
Author of more than thirty books, including the critically acclaimed Bowers Files, an eight-book series of psychological thrillers which currently includes The Pawn, The Rook, The Knight, The Bishop, The Queen, Checkmate, and a prequel Opening Moves.
Eric Wilson
New York Times bestselling author of Fireproof & Two Seconds Too Late. His novels run from the emotional romantic to the dark and bloody.
Isabel Brown
Isabel's debut young adult novel, Son of Tides, is garnering quite a bit of praise. She touts herself as a YA fantasy author and will, no doubt, be producing some other fun rides for her readers.
Linnette Mullin
2013 Debut Author - Linnette Mullin is gaining a reputation for her Romantic Suspense work, kicked off with Finding Beth.
S. R. Karfelt
2013 Debut Author - S. R. Karfelt's debut work, Kahtar, followed by Heartless and Forever, launches a career of intriguing metaphysical fantasy and science fiction.
Heather Burch
Author of the acclaimed Halfling Series. Her focus, at present, is Christian Young Adult (YA) fantasy fiction and award-wining adult romance.
Tom Pawlik
Tom Pawlik is the highly imaginative, Christy Award-winning author of Vanish, Valley of the Shadow, Beckon, The Way Back, Son of Man and the novella Recollection from the 7 Hours anthology. His thought-provoking, edge-of-your-seat thrillers are infused with nonstop suspense that grabs you on the first page and won't let go until the last.
Tom Morrisey
A widely-published fiction writer and lay evangelist, his books could probably best be catagorized as Christian suspense "water" fiction, as he takes his knowledge as a diving instructor to new depths.
Francine Rivers
Primarily known for her Christian romance, her novels also encompass historical and suspense. Her novel, The Last Sin Eater, was made into a full-lengeth feature film.
Mel Odom
Author of more than 140 books. He is best known for his novels of science fiction and fantasy, including a four book installment of the world-renowned Left Behind book series, called Left Behind Apocalypse.
C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis and known to his friends and family as "Jack", was a novelist, poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, and Christian apologist. His fiction works include the wildly popular Chronicles of Narnia and his Space Trilogy.
Joel C. Rosenberg
Joel is an American communications strategist, author of the Last Jihad series, J.B. Collins series, The Twelfth Imam series, and The Auschwitz Escape. He is also the founder of The Joshua Fund. An Evangelical Christian, he has written several New York Times bestselling novels about terrorism and how it relates to Bible Prophecy.
Og Mandino
Augustine "Og" Mandino II was an American author. He wrote the bestselling book The Greatest Salesman in the World. His short novels, filled with success principles, have sold over 50 million copies and have been translated into over twenty-five different languages.
Jerry B. Jenkins
An American novelist and biographer. He is best known as co-author of the Left Behind series of books with Tim LaHaye. Jenkins has written over 150 books, including romance novels, mysteries, and children's adventures.
Stephen R. Lawhead
UK–based American writer known for his works of fantasy, science fiction, and more recently, historical fiction, particularly Celtic historical fiction. He has written over 25 novels.
Davis Bunn
Davis Bunn, an internationally-acclaimed author who has sold more than 6 million books in 16 languages, is the ultimate gentleman adventurer, author, and scholar.
Andy Andrews
An American author of self-help/advice books and novels, known for his 2002 bestselling book The Traveler's Gift. He has written over 20 books and sold more than 3.5 million copies around the world.
James Byron Huggins
A veteran novelist and best-selling author, James Byron Huggins' own life story reads more like fiction than fact. His work as a smuggler in and out of communist Romania in the 1980s had to have produced his ability to keep his readers on the edge of their seats. His historical novel, Rora, is among the best stories I've read.
Randy Alcorn
Randy has written several novels, including Deadline, Dominion, and Deception. He received a Gold Medallion Book Award in 2003 for his novel Safely Home. His novels focus on the reality of Heaven & Hell and tearing down the misperceptions surrounding both after-life locations.
David Baldacci
New York Times bestselling author of multiple genres of fiction. His novels, Wish You Well and The Christmas Train, captured my imagination.
Shane Johnson
Best known for the novel Ice. He has written several critically acclaimed and award-winning books. He has written both Christian fiction and science fiction.
Alton Gansky
Mr. Gansky has written in the ballpark of 30 novels, most of which are filled with action and suspense. He also hosts his own annual Christian Writers Conferences.
Shaunti Feldhahn
Shaunti's Christian non-fiction relationship and self-investigation (my term for how her books cause a person to become very introspective) books have sold millions. However, it was her first two novels, The Veritas Project and The Lights of Tenth Street, that put her on the map.
Oliver North
New York Times bestselling author Lt. Colonel Oliver "Ollie" North's experience in the U.S. Military and his Christian faith combine to produce intrigue- and suspense-filled novels that delve into the conflicts of the Middle East and geopolitics.
Frank E. Peretti
New York Times bestseling author, Frank Peretti, is one of America's best-known Christian authors. His novels have sold over 15 million copies, and he is widely credited with reinventing Christian fiction. His novels deal particularly with supernatural and Spiritual Warfare themes.
Bodie & Brock Thoene
The Thoenes are the authors of more than 65 works of historical fiction. Eight of their books have won Gold Medallion Awards. Over 35 million copies of their books have been sold in more than 20 languages.
Robert Whitlow
Robert Whitlow is a film-maker and a best-selling author of twelve legal thrillers. If you like Grisham, you're definitely going to enjoy this man's works.